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---19 And Out---
R.I.P. = Resign In Protest.
After 19 years of honorable active duty service to my country, I voluntarily resigned my regular commission as a senior Lieutenant Colonel physician in the U.S. Air Force Medical Corps(e), and walked away from all retirement pay and benefits. Why would one of the most senior anesthesiologists in the U.S. Department of Defense do such a thing? What aspects of military "health care" had become so unbearable, so odious, so violative of my personal and professional integrity, that I felt compelled to leave the Air Force the day I had paid back my 11 year active duty service commitment after residency? Read on...
website companion to the upcoming book (hopefully before I die):
Military Medical Corpse:
The Premeditated Murder of U.S. Military Medicine
Copyright (C) 2024 R. Carlton Jones, M.D.
Ex-LtCol, USAF, Medical Corps
Ex-Medical Director of Anesthesia, David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA
Ex-Assistant Chief Anesthesiologist & Director of QA, Malcolm Grow "Medical Center", Andrews AFB, MD
Ex-Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, USU School of Medicine
Air Force ROTC Det 365, Class of '85; Harvard '85; USUHS '90
Wilford Hall USAFMC Anesthesiology Residency, 1994
Diplomate, American Board of Anesthesiology, 1995 (permanent)
Patriotic American Military Veteran since 1 July 2005
Happy Independence Day 2024, USA!
Just in time for the 4th of July, is back! Many links still won't work, so don't be alarmed if you see 404 a lot until I have a chance to fix the bit rot from almost 10 years of offline dormancy.
Note: This site contains unvarnished words, unabashed opinions, and uncomfortable truths. By clicking on the link below, you indicate that have seen enough winters to enlist in the military. If you are a spittle-spraying, clinically-rusty, pointy-haired tyrant O-6 who delights in reprimanding physician subordinates for trying to improve patient safety by telling the truth about deficiencies in Air Force medical care, please log off and destroy your internet-enabled device now. You will thank me later.
All content on this website is copyright (C) 2024 R. Carlton Jones, M.D.
All rights reserved; unauthorized reproduction prohibited
All content on this website is UNCLASSIFIED
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Nemo Me Fscking Impune Lacessit, Y'all