"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."
--Scott McNealy, Chairman, President, and CEO of Sun Microsystems, Inc., January, 1999, responding to privacy concerns regarding his company's Jini product.
"Q: A couple of years ago you made some comments about privacy
-- and the lack thereof -- that were widely printed. That was
amazingly pre-Patriot Act and pre-9/11. Do you stick by that notion?
Should we not be worried about having lost all our privacy?
A: I never said that, did I?
Q: You said, "You already have no privacy."
A: I said, "You have no privacy. Get over it."
Q: What did you mean by that?
A: The point I was making was someone already has your medical
records. Someone has my dental records. Someone has my financial
records. Someone knows just about everything about me.
Gang, do you want to refute my statement? Visa knows what you
bought. You have no privacy. Get over it. That's what I said."
Word. MedicalCorpse.com promises to treat the personal information it collects from its website visitors with the same care and concern the NSA shows for the privacy of your telephone records, and the Treasury Department shows for the personal nature of your private, international financial transactions. As soon as the NSA and the rest of the U.S. government start to respect the privacy of law-abiding American citizens, MedicalCorpse.com will consider altering the above Official Privacy Policy. If that's not good enough for you, well, tough. If you can't stand the heat, get off of the internet.